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Small Dog Boots

Protect Even the Smallest of Paws

Do you have a small furry friend? Perhaps you own a lively little Yorkie or a confident Shih Tzu who loves to show off. Even if you have a tiny Chihuahua with a bold personality, there are adorable small dog boots available that will perfectly fit their dainty paws.

Why does your small dog need boots?

Contrary to popular belief, not all small dogs crave constant carrying and lap time. These little fellows are always on the move and enjoy their walks just as much as larger dogs. Ensuring the safety of their tiny paws is equally important as protecting larger ones.

  • Protects against hot pavement
  • Shields paws from cold winter snow
  • Keeps paws clean post-grooming
  • Prevents tracking of water, mud, and dirt
  • Aids mobility for senior dogs

Boots designed for small dogs are available in both small and extra small sizes, specifically tailored for dogs of your size. For breeds like Pugs or Boston Terriers, the "small" size might be suitable, while teacup pups, toy Poodles, or Maltese dogs could try the "XS" size. It's a good idea to let your little furry friend try out the small dog shoes indoors before venturing outside, as this will help them get accustomed to the boots and allow you to confirm if you have chosen the correct size for your small dog.