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Dog Boots for Boxers

Boxer Running in Snow Boots
There are several reasons why the Boxer dog may need to wear dog boots. Find out all you need to know about boots and everything else about this wonderful breed!

Boxer dog guardians will tell you that to know a boxer is to love one. In fact, owners are known to tell people that it is almost impossible to have just one. Perpetual puppies, the boxer is a breed that does not mentally mature until it is well over three years old. If you are looking for a puppy in a dog’s body, a jogging partner, and a companion who will make you laugh with its endless antics, this is the breed for you. Along with their athletic prowess, boxers have a gentle, loving personality that makes them a hit among their loyal followers. When socialized well as puppies, boxers love to be around other pets in the house. The breed has a natural tendency to gravitate towards children, both loving and protecting them. All of these things combined make the boxer the perfect dog for families. It should be said that the boxer breed is not the perfect match for everyone. Boxers have a high prey drive and love to chase. Care must be taken to properly introduce them to smaller pets in the house and to teach them manners. This breed is one that needs plenty of exercise. Without daily exercise, a boxer can become bored. Ask any owner and they will tell you: A bored boxer will find ways to entertain itself. This can mean the destruction of your furniture and holes dug in your yard.

Easy to keep in the house, these dogs require little in the way of grooming. A bath when they are dirty and a swift brushing with a curry comb is all that is needed. Anyone who welcomes a boxer into their home should understand the needs of a “smoosh-nosed� breed. Boxers are brachycephalic, which means that the shape and size of their skull is shorter than that of a typical dog. This can lead to problems breathing after over-exertion or in very hot weather. Summer means planning your dog’s walks according to the temperature.

If you are considering a boxer, take a good look at your lifestyle. If you love the outdoors, find time every day to exercise, and have a lighthearted take on life, the boxer is the perfect breed for you. Be sure to check out rescue organizations for your new best friend. Because these dogs maintain a puppy-like attitude well into adulthood, the only thing you miss out on by bringing home an adult is potty training. There are few things more rewarding in life than giving a boxer a second chance at a fantastic life.

Why Do Boxers Need Boots?

When carefully bred, the boxer is a relatively healthy breed. If you are looking for a puppy, be sure that you select one from a breeder who has taken the time to certify their stock clear of heart, eye, and hip defects. Boxers are quick to eat and fast to pack on the pounds. The dog is best kept at a healthy weight by paying careful attention to what it is fed. Baby carrots and other low-cal foods are a better option than store-bought cookies for this breed. Boxers commonly develop hip dysplasia. This genetic disease is caused by an abnormal formation of the hip socket. In a normal hip socket, the joints and bones effortlessly glide together and fit into place without any problem. On the other hand, when a dog is suffering from canine hip dysplasia the joints grind against each other, leading to a deterioration in the hip socket. This hereditary condition causes pain, lameness, and even arthritis in severe cases. Some of the most common signs include a decrease in activity, loss of thigh muscle mass, a narrow stance, hip pain, difficulty standing, and a decreased range of motion.

Degenerative myelopathy is a nerve disease that starts in a Boxer’s spinal cord. If your Boxer suffers from degenerative myelopathy, you’ll begin to notice that the dog will lose motor function in its hind legs—like it’s getting clumsy. Eventually the weakness will be more apparent and the dog might struggle to get up because the disease also causes muscle atrophy. Boxers with degenerative myelopathy can become paralyzed by the disease.

What Kind of Boots Are Best For Boxers?

The Pawtrexx boots are excellent boots for Boxers who drag their rear paws. They are durable and have a heavy duty rubber sole and reinforced toe. They are made of neoprene and are meant to fit snug. The Pawtrexx boots come in 5 sizes to fit any size dog and are sold in sets of 2 boots. They can be found here. The Pawtrexx boots are also an excellent choice for winter as they have a sole that can help with traction and grip in icy conditions. The Ultra Paws are also a very good choice if your dog is having trouble with traction indoors due to arthritis. They can also be worn outdoors for dragging paws, however they are a bit less durable than the Pawtrexx so they won't last as long. The Ultra Paws boots can be found here.

If you have a Boxer who does not have medical issues there are a lot of choices in boots! The Meshies are excellent boots for indoors or hot pavement. They will help with added traction on slippery floors and prevent burns walking on the ground during the summer. You can also consider the Sporthos boots for indoors, summer or rough terrain. Hi-Toppers boots are an excellent winter choice as they have a heavy duty traction sole and will help protect the ankles and legs from annoying snowballs. The interior fleece will also keep your dog warm on the coldest days.

How To Fit a Boxer With Dog Boots

Boxers are generally not a difficult breed to fit for boots. The length and width of the paw is relative, meaning the paw is not too long or not too wide. Because of the easy-to-fit nature, the Boxer can fit into almost any of our boots regardless of shape. Some boots are human boot shape and others are sock shaped - the Boxer can fit into either category. The easiest way to measure is by having your dog stand on a piece of paper. Mark the front of the paw at the toenail and then the back of the paw for the length measurement. Measure the distance between the lines. Do the same on the left and right sides of the paw for the width measurement. It is best NOT to trace around the paw as that typically increases both the length and width measurements.

Boxer Dog Boot Photos

Here is a look at some of our Boxer dog customers in Alldogboots' products.
Boxer in pink hi tops

Boxer in wheelchair wearing booties

Boxer in pink sneakers

Boxer in Zoomies sneakers

Boxer Wearing Dog Booties

Boxer Wearing Converse for Traction

Boxer Wearing duck slippers

Boxer wearing snow boots
Boxer wearing sneakers and halloween costume

Boxer wearing summer booties

Boxers wearing bunny slippers

Boxers Wearing Boots

Boxer Wearing Tall Snow Boots

Boxer Wearing Socks for Traction

Boxer Wearing Winter Booties

Boxer Wearing Orthopedic Booties

Boxer Wearing Dog Sneakers

Boxer Wearing Booties for Hot Pavement

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