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Dog Boots for Basset Hounds

Basset Hound Wearing Dog Booties

There are several reasons why the Basset Hound may need to wear dog boots. Find out all you need to know about boots and everything else about this lovable hound dog!

Long ears, short legs and drool is what you may first notice when you see a basset hound in person, but take a closer look. These lovable dogs are hounds in name and couch potatoes at heart. As happy to trot alongside you for miles as they are to cuddle while you binge on your favorite television program, these dogs make fantastic companions. If you are looking for a dog that will get along with everyone in your house and any other animal you bring home, the laid back basset hound is for you.

Built with a nose for hunting, these dogs are heavily boned and more athletic than you may think. Think of the basset hound as a large dog in a small body. An average female stands about a foot tall at the shoulders and weighs between 44 and 55 pounds. The average male basset hound stands about 13 inches at the shoulders and weighs between 55 and 63 pounds. The actual height and weight of your basset will depend on genetics, exercise habits and feeding regimens.

Basset hounds are loving animals that get along well with others, making them a great breed for multi-animal households. Potential owners should be aware that, as a scent hound, the basset is known to put its nose to the ground and follow it far enough to lose its way back home. A fence is a must for this hunting breed if you hope to keep it safe and sound.

Even though owners of basset hounds may tell you that they are, hands down, the best breed there is, they are not suited for everyone. Basset hounds have a bit of an odor. Aficionados of the breed like to compare the smell to that of corn chips. The odor is a result of an oil produced by the skin of this hound. New owners should be prepared to give their basset a weekly or bi-weekly bath or be able to tolerate the smell on their furniture and in carpeting. Because they have long, pendulous ears, basset hounds are prone to ear infections. Taking proper care of the ears with a weekly cleaning is often enough to keep infections at bay. Your veterinarian can give you an ear cleaning demonstration if you are unfamiliar with cleaning dogs’ ears.

Basset hounds love to eat. Unfortunately, excessive weight places extra stress on the basset’s long back. Special care must be taken to keep the basset hound trim. An owner is doing their hound no favors by giving it extra treats. If you bring a basset hound into your home, plan on scheduled and measured feedings. Avoiding dog treats in favor of non-toxic fruits and vegetables is a great way to reward your pet in a healthy way.

As with any breed of dog, a bored basset can be a destructive one. Plan on taking your new pet to obedience school. Low to the ground, this dog is more powerful than some people think. An untrained basset hound can be difficult to control and no fun to live with. Potential owners should know that the basset is not necessarily a people-pleasing breed. This makes them seem aloof and stubborn. The breed is definitely trainable, assuming you have the patience and dedication needed to follow through with your instruction.

If you are considering bringing a member of this loving, gentle breed into your home, find a responsible breeder or look for a local breed rescue. Basset hounds can be wonderful additions to your family if you have patience and affection to give. Once you bring one basset into your life, do not be surprised if you are soon looking for a second.

Why Do Basset Hounds Need Boots?

There are some genetic health problems for this breed. Because Basset Hounds carry a heavy load on small legs, back problems are common. Take care not to let your hound jump on and off of furniture, run up and down steps, or overdo it on a jog. While the breed can certainly perform these activities, it will cost it in the long run. A basset that does not have back problems in its senior years is hard to find.

Be very watchful of obesity – allowing a Basset Hound to eat whatever he wants and seldom get exercise, which can result in an obese pet prone to many health issues. This breed is also prone to elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia and patella luxation. These common breed issues will make walking a little more difficult and may require boots on the rear paws to assist them in being more mobile. Boots on rear paws will help protect the paws if your dog starts dragging their feet or keep them comfortable due to weakness or instability.

What Kind of Boots Are Best For Basset Hounds?

The Pawtrexx boots are excellent boots for Basset Hounds who drag their rear paws. They are durable and have a heavy duty rubber sole and reinforced toe. They are made of neoprene and should fit snug. If your Basset Hound is in a wheelchair or completely paralyzed in back they will be ideal as they can withstand heavy force They can be found here. The Pawtrexx boots are also an excellent choice for snow boots because they have a sole that can help with traction and grip in icy conditions. If you are in need of an orthopedic boot for rear paws (these boots also double up as awesome indoor and summer booties) that is a little lighter, then the Ultra Paws may be a good choice. They will help with dragging paws but are quite a bit lighter than the Pawtrexx boots. They are also low-cut boots so they should certainly fit a short leg.

If you have a Hound who does not have medical issues there are a lot of choices in boots! The Meshies are excellent boots for indoors or hot pavement. They will help with added traction on slippery floors and prevent burns walking on the ground during the summer. That goes the same for the Ultra Paws. Our soft sole booties will be an easy fit for your Basset during winter. The interior fleece will also keep your dog warm on the coldest days. Pawz rubber booties are always a good choice for your dog for all weather conditions as they slip easily over the paw.

How To Fit a Basset Hound With Dog Boots

Because of their short legs and fat feet, Basset Hounds are not an easy breed to fit for boots, as you may already know if you have previously tried! Unfortunately these dog owners may be limited in choices due to the heights of various boots but we certainly do have some great choices! The sock shape booties may be the easiest to work with as they are the most flexible (cuffs can fold down). They also don't have a firm length/width ratio so they will be easier to fit wide paws. The easiest way to measure is by having your dog stand on a piece of paper. Mark the front of the paw at the toenail and then the back of the paw for the length measurement. Measure the distance between the lines. Do the same on the left and right sides of the paw for the width measurement. It is best NOT to trace around the paw as that typically increases both the length and width measurements.
bassett hound dog boots

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