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Dog Boots for Dachshunds

There are several reasons why the Dachshund dog may need to wear dog boots. Find out all you need to know about boots and everything else about this charming little dog!

Dachshunds got their origin in Germany more than 600 years ago. Their competency in catching and flushing out badgers earned them the nickname "badger dog", which is actually what the word Dachshund means in German. Even dogs larger than dachshunds find badgers to be formidable adversaries, but the dachshund's sharp claws and teeth, courage, strength, cleverness and perseverance made them the ideal dog. Before long, breeders were breeding these dogs everywhere. Today dachshunds are the national symbol of Germany.

Dachshunds have a short, smooth coat as a rule, but selective breeders breed these dogs for different purposes. Some dachshunds are bred to hunt in cold climates so they’ll usually have a longer coat. Today, dachshunds come with three coat types: smooth, long and wirehaired and two sizes; standard and miniature. They also come in a variety of colors and patterns. Possible colors are black and cream, black and tan, chocolate and cream, blue and cream, cream, and fawn to name just a few. Patterns might be brindle, sable, dapple and piebald.

These dogs, with their super-alert expression, long silhouette, and bubbly personality, have become popular in the showroom and as family pets. The dachshund’s body is long, close to the ground and well balanced with short but muscular legs. When it comes to trailing prey, the dachshund has the advantage with its loud voice, good nose, intelligence and distinctive build. Dachshunds will outhunt most other breeds.

Dachshunds have also been given the nicknames hot dog, wiener dog or sausage dog. A miniature dachshund will stand about 5" to 6" at the shoulder and will weigh 11 pounds or less as an adult. A standard dachshund will stand between 9" and 11" at the shoulder and will weigh between 16 and 32 pounds as an adult. A dachshund that weighs between 11 pounds and 16 pounds is usually called a tweenie. In Germany, dachshunds are categorized as either miniature, standard or Kaninchenteckel, which is based on the dog's chest size at 15 months old.

When compared with other hound dogs, the dachshund is a relatively healthy breed with a life span of 12 to 15 years. One of the best ways to ensure the dachshund remains as healthy as possible is to make sure they eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.

Training a dachshund can be challenging at best. Even housebreaking can take a little longer with dachshunds than it does with other breeds. While they're very lovable, cheerful and intelligent dogs, they also possess a stubborn streak in them. It's almost an "it's my way or the highway". Owners need to be consistent and patient with training, and they can have a wonderful dog. You also need a good sense of humor.
Since the 1950s, dachshunds have been ranked among the top dogs in terms of popularity. They're still popular today.

Why Do Dachshunds Need Boots?

Like most dog breeds, the dachshund is prone to certain health problems. This is not to say that every dachshund develops these diseases; the breed is just more prone to these diseases.
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease -This musculoskeletal disease causes the vertebrae to weaken and even poke into the spinal canals. This disease stems from their long bodies and short legs.
  • Patella Luxation - With their short legs, dachshunds are more likely to develop this condition, where the kneecap pops out.
  • Hip Dysplasia - This condition is caused by a deformity in the hip joint and thigh bone not fitting properly in its socket.
  • Obesity - Allowing the dachshund to eat whatever he wants and seldom get exercise, which can result in an obese dachshund prone to many health issues.
If your Dachshund has intervertebral disk disease (due to their long bodies), hip or patella issues they may appear unsteady, have problems going up and down stairs or hopping onto furniture, completely refusing to jump at all, difficult walking in general, or even weak. Dog boots will help comfort your dog and protect their paws since they are still going to want to be active! Boots on rear paws will help protect the paws if your dog starts dragging their feet or keep them comfortable due to weakness or instability.

What Kind of Boots Are Best For Dachshunds?

The Pawtrexx boots are excellent boots for Dachshunds who drag their rear paws. They are durable and have a heavy duty rubber sole and reinforced toe. They are made of neoprene and should fit snug. However, because the Pawtrexx boots are so heavy-duty they may tend to be slightly heavy for a very small dog. If your Dachshund is in a wheelchair or completely paralyzed in back they will be ideal. Otherwise they may be too hindering. They can be found here. The Pawtrexx boots are also an excellent choice for snow boots because they have a sole that can help with traction and grip in icy conditions. If you are in need of an orthopedic boot for rear paws (these boots also double up as indoor and summer booties) that is a little lighter, then the All Weather Ultras may be a good choice. They will help with dragging paws but are quite a bit lighter than the Pawtrexx boots. They are also low-cut boots so they should certainly fit a short leg. If you have a mini Dachshund you'll want to take a look at the Zipper boots for rear support as they come in smaller sizes than the Pawtrexx. boots. The Zipper boots can be found here.

If you have a Doxie who does not have medical issues there are a lot of choices in boots! The Meshies are excellent boots for indoors or hot pavement. They will help with added traction on slippery floors and prevent burns walking on the ground during the summer. That goes the same for the All Weather Ultras. For a mini Dachshund the Mini Meshies are a great choice because they will fit the smallest dogs. Zipper boots are an excellent winter choice as they have a heavy duty traction sole and are made of a warm neoprene outer material. Our soft sole booties will be an easy fit for your Dachshund during winter. The interior fleece will also keep your dog warm on the coldest days. Pawz rubber booties are always a good choice for a Dachshund for all weather conditions as they slip easily over the paw.

How To Fit a Dachshund With Dog Boots

Because of their short legs and fat feet, Dachshunds are not an easy breed to fit for boots, as you may already know if you have previously tried! Unfortunately wiener dog owners may be limited in choices due to the heights of various boots but we certainly do have some great choices! The sock shape booties may be the easiest to work with as they are the most flexible (cuffs can fold down). The easiest way to measure is to have your dog stand on a blank piece of paper. Draw a straight line at the front & back of the paw, making sure to include the toenails. Measure between the lines to find the length. Draw a straight line along the left & right edges of the paw. Measure the widest part between the lines to find the width.

Dachshund Dog Boot Photos & Video

Here is a look at some of our Dachshund dog customers in Alldogboots' products.

Dachshund Wearing Meshies Summer Booties
dachshund wearing shoesdachshund snow booties
Dachshund Wearing Shoes Hot Pavement

Dachshund Wearing Sneakers
Mini Dachshund Wearing Ducky SlippersDachshund Running in Pawz Snow Booties

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